7 Eleven Experience 2019


In February of 2019, Erich Peters (TheCollectiv) brought me onto his team to help provide video and graphics for the General Session presentation of the 7 Eleven Experience at the MGM Arena in Las Vegas. I helped Erich to build a custom media server solution that was built to have a unique focus on being flexible and agile with changes.

From TheCollectiv: “Designing a custom system allowed us to stay in budget and easily compensate for the 3 unique PPI’s of the screens. But more importantly, the system allowed for nearly instant changes to any aspect of the presentation. Everything was composited live and ran off a shared spreadsheet, so we could communicate with the editors in NY and swap out anything quickly and with zero rendering time.“

Changes in the presentation were made in Keynote, and layered directly in the media server using a capture input, and a dynamic system of color keying to give text a transparent background. This level of agility allowed for changes in both the presentation data, as well as the video backgrounds, up to the day of show.

Evan Gannon -- gannon.evan@gmail.com -- (516)635-4067